The True Value of Content Creation

Tom Hamilton
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

The True Value of Content Creation

The goal for most business owners is to have more visitors go to their website and Content Creation can help with that objective. Business owners can become distracted from the main purpose of their website — which is to acquire more customers! Being bombarded on a daily basis with all of the social media and various other tools that appear in the market place makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the business owner to keep up with these constant changes and run their core business at the same time.

One often overlooked tool is quality content on a website. There are 3 important reasons to provide your potential customer with well-written content.

  1. SHARING: Good content has the potential to be shared. This means that you will have fans, friends, leads, and customers sharing your ideas with others, and, there is no cost for this free “word of mouth” marketing.
  2. ENGAGEMENT: If you attach a good call to action to your content, you increase the likelihood of engagement.
  3. PRESENCE: Search engines are driven by content. If you do not have thousands of dollars to pay for traffic, then up-dated fresh content is another way to build your presence on the web.

There are typically two ways content is created. The first is by the customer; the second by your internet marketing company. For the purpose of this article I will be focusing on the content creation done here at West Bay Media Group.

If a small business owner owns an apple orchard, we could write about the type of apple the grower produces. We collect information about the apple, i.e. how it is grown, the benefits of consuming it, and put together an appealing write-up. This engages the reader and improves your standing with them as a go-to resource for apples. Furthermore, we provide credible links to other sites that support our general article. Additionally, we leverage our years of experience in Search Engine Optimization to optimize the page for favorable search engine crawling.

Contact me today at West Bay Media Group to discuss how I can assist you in boosting your web presence by creating quality content that you will own and be able to use at any time!

Best Regards,

Tom Hamilton

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